Ages & Stages: Teens & Young Adults
In addition to seeking advice about growth, development, vaccines and various medical conditions, teens often have concerns about nutrition, fitness, sexuality, stress and emotional health, sleep, school, planning for the future, and privacy (among others!). Adolescents and young adults are learning to take responsibility for their own health and personal advocacy. The following websites are good resources for teens, young adults, and parents beginning to address these issues.
General Information
- (AAP)
- Center for Young Women’s Health (Boston Children’s Hospital)
- Young Men’s Health (Boston Children’s Hospital)
MPA Adolescent Policies
- Milton Pediatrics provides care to patients through adolescence and through the college years. We encourage our adolescents and young adults to take more responsibility for themselves and their health care as they get older. We encourage them to speak directly to us regarding their health concerns. We give them the opportunity to decide whether and when they would like to be alone or have a parent be with them in the exam room.
- In some circumstances, there will be issues that patients wish to discuss that will be confidential in nature. It is our policy when dealing with young adult and adolescent patients to keep confidential any issues that our patients request of us, with the exception of issues that might be serious enough to be life threatening.
- Due to the HIPAA regulations of 1996, patients who are older than 18 are considered adults and their privacy needs to be protected. In accordance with these regulations, the nurses will request to speak directly with patients that are over 18 to discuss issues regarding their medical care. Although some young adults (and parents) find this policy challenging at first, it is great preparation for when they are off on their own and need to manage their own health issues. Thank you for your cooperation.
Mental Health & Substance Use
- Tips for reducing stress (MGH)
- “Red Flags” for parents to watch for (AAP)
- Depression, and what can parents do to help (AAP)
- Substance abuse prevention (AAP)
- MGH Addiction Recovery Services (ARMS)
- Handhold
- Child Mind Institute
Social Media & Smartphone Addiction
- Resources
- Control Your Tech Use (Center for Humane Technology)
- The Family Digital Wellness Guide (Boston Children’s Hospital)
- Tools to decrease your screen time (The Log Off Movement)
- Children and Screens
- Social Media Glossary (AAP)
- Articles
- Why to delay smartphone use (NPR)
- Social Media and Youth Mental Health (U.S. Surgeon General Advisory | 2023)
- Logan Lane and the “Luddite Club” (NYTimes)
- How Social Media Affects Your Teen’s Mental Health (Yale Medicine)
- Videos
- The Social Dilemma (Netflix, PG-13)
- How phones use design tricks to hook you (Above the Noise)
- Books
Nutrition & Fitness
- Teenagers may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency (AAP)
- Healthy approaches to fitness are important (AAP)
- Ways for parents to help their teen be a successful student (AAP)
- Addressing cyberbullying (AAP)
- Avoiding over-helping your college-bound teen (AAP)
- Activities & Study Skills (Center on the Developing Child)
Puberty, Dating & Sexuality
- Trusted AAP resources on puberty and dating
- Teen Resources (Planned Parenthood)
- HPV vaccine (Gardasil) is given routinely to our adolescent patients. Info here explains its importance.
- Birth control is an important topic to discuss with your doctor. Here are a few topics: