
Illnesses and Conditions

Acute Respiratory Issues

Bronchiolitis and RSV
Bronchiolitis is a viral infection of the smaller airways in the lungs and primarily affects infants and young children. RSV is often implicated as a cause in the fall and winter seasons.

Croup is characterized by a harsh “barking” cough and is typically worse at night.  If your child has croup they may progress to have difficulty breathing or “stridor” (a high-pitched sound when they take a breath in).  Do not hesitate to call our office, even after-hours, if you are concerned about your child’s breathing.

Helpful Links

Bronchiolitis (AAP)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (AAP)

Croup Info (AAP)


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses.  We can help with both the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.  These links may help further your understanding of ADHD; what you can do to help your child cope; and what types of treatments are available.

Helpful Links

ADHD Basics (AAP)

Finding a Behavioral Therapist (CDC)


Vanderbilt Forms


Asthma remains the most common chronic childhood illness, and can take many forms from “wheezing with colds,” to exercise-related symptoms, to chronic nighttime cough.  If your child is diagnosed with asthma or uses an inhaler regularly, your school will likely ask for an “Asthma Action Plan” which details how and when your child needs treatment; please contact our office to request a copy of your child’s plan (we endeavor to complete these requests within 1 week).

Helpful Links

What Is asthma? (AAP)

How to use different types of inhalers and spacers (BCH)

More info on asthma (AAP)

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism is a complex neurologic disorder associated with developmental delays, particularly in the areas of communication and socialization. It often requires evaluation with a developmental specialist to formally diagnose. If you have concerns about signs of autism in your child we encourage you to discuss them early and often with your primary pediatrician.

Helpful Links

Austim Basics (AAP)

Autism resources in Massachusetts (MGH)


Concussions / Head Injuries

Concussions have garnered considerable media attention in recent years, and with good reason. It is critical to pay attention to head injuries in children, particularly if they exhibit symptoms like headache, dizziness, confusion, or otherwise are acting unlike themselves in the aftermath.

Helpful Links

General Information (CDC)

Symptoms & Risks (AAP)

Return to Sports Protocol (CDC)

HEADS UP Resources for Parents (CDC)

Sports concussion clinics near you:

  • MGH: 617.724.9722
  • BCH: 617.355.3501
  • SSH: 781.624.8162

Conjunctivitis (or pink eye) has many forms – part of a viral illness, a bacterial infection, allergies, or even due to chemical irritation. It often does not require any treatment.

Helpful Link

General Info on Conjunctivitis (AAP)


Constipation is unquestionably one of the most common reasons for phone calls to our office. It is remarkably common in children.

Helpful Links

Why Do Kids Get Constipated (MGH)

Dietary and Behavioral Changes that Help (MGH)

Miralax Use Guidelines (MGH)

The Poo in You” – a helpful video regarding constipation and encopresis (YouTube)


Fever is an elevation of normal body temperature and a common response to many childhood illnesses. In fact, fever is one of our body’s infection-fighting weapons. We consider a fever any body temperature greater than 100.4 F or 38 C. Check out the links below to learn how to measure your child’s temperature, how and when to treat a fever (it is not always necessary), and when to call our office.

Helpful Links

How to take your child’s temperature (AAP)

When to call about a fever (AAP)

Fever without Fear (AAP)

Dosing for fever reducing medicines


Food Allergies

Thankfully, food allergies are uncommon. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, and what to do if your child experiences one. If your child does have a food allergy you may need an “Allergy Action Plan” for your childcare provider/school.  This is an emergency plan, tailored to your child, that describes what steps to take and medications to administer if a reaction should occur.  Click here to see examples of downloadable plans. If you need a plan for your child please call our office and notify our staff. We request 1 week’s advance notice to prepare and mail the plan home.

Helpful Link

Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE)

General info on food allergies (AAP)

Teen Talks: Where teenagers with food allergies can connect with others (FARE)

More education and information (MGH)

How and when to use an EpiPen

EpiPen Savings Card

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Aptly descriptive, this common childhood illness typically rears its ugly head in summer and fall with a tell-tale rash and sore throat.

Helpful Links

Hand, Foot, and Mouth general info (AAP)


Some years are bad, others mild, but getting the “flu” is never fun. Be sure to get your child vaccinated annually and read below for more information.

Helpful Link

All About the “Flu” (AAP)

Flu Guidance for Parents (CDC)

Updates on Flu Season (CDC)

Flu vaccine and general flu info (CDC)

Important information about the Flu Vaccine (AAP)

Lead Poisoning

In accordance with national guidelines, we will take a blood sample to screen your child for lead poisoning three times: at 9-12 months, 2 and 3 years. Read below to learn more.

Helpful Links

About blood lead levels (AAP)

Lead screening and how to protect your child from exposure to lead (CDC)

Lead in your water supply (AAP)

Reducing your risk (CDC)

Massachusetts Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP)


Our nurses tell us this is the #1 reason for tearful phone calls from parents. This really is a parenting rite of passage! While they are pesky, lice pose no significant health risk. Read below to learn more.

Helpful Links

All About Head Lice (AAP)

Local lice-removal providers (we do not formally endorse any one provider)


Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is very common in New England and we are always on high alert for cases. Thankfully, Lyme disease is fairly easy to diagnose and treat. Be careful what you read – there is a lot of misleading information about Lyme disease on the internet. We have some good resources for you here:

Helpful Link

Lyme Disease Facts (MGH)

CDC Lyme Disease Homepage (CDC)

How to Perform a “Tick Check” (MA DPH)

How to Remove a Tick and the Tick Bite Bot (A useful tool that gives recommendations on your specific tick bite situation | CDC)

Prevention: Insect Repellents (AAP)

Middle Ear Infection

Otitis media (middle ear infection)
Far and away, the most common reason for a visit to our office. The good news is ear infections do not always require treatment with antibiotics.

Helpful Links

General info (MGH)

Ear Infection Resources (AAP)

Recurrent ear infections and “tubes” (AAO)


Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Infection may be caused by viruses or by bacteria. Typical symptoms may include fever, cough, and/or difficulty breathing.  Sometimes — but not always — antibiotics are needed to treat. We do not recommend cough and cold medicines sold over-the-counter to manage symptoms.

Helpful Links

General information (AAP)


Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal and Environmental Allergies
Common environmental allergies include pollens and molds, which tend to occur seasonally in the spring and fall. Other common environmental allergens include pet dander and dust mites. Typical symptoms include runny nose, itchy nose, itchy or puffy or pink eyes, sneezing, and/or throat clearing. Food allergies are discussed elsewhere.

Helpful Link

Seasonal Allergies (AAP)

Reducing exposure to seasonal allergies and to dust mites (AAP)

Allergy Medicines (AAP)

Common medications and dosing

Skin Conditions

Common Skin Conditions
We see a variety of skin conditions in the office. Some are not easy to diagnose over the phone.

General Information and Treatment (AAP)

Diaper rash
Diaper Rashes (AAP)

General info on eczema (AAP)
Eczema care regimen (example) (MGH)

Molluscum contagiosum

General info on this common condition (AAP)

Poison ivy
Poison ivy info (AAP)
Treatment (AAP)
Identifying Poison Ivy and Poison Oak (CDC)


Strep Throat

Sore throats can be caused by many different types of germs. Strep throat is caused by one type of bacteria: “Group A Strep.” Classic symptoms of strep throat include sore throat, fever, swollen glands in the neck; sometimes children will have a rash.  It is important to test for strep throat because we often are not good at judging based on looking or symptoms.

Helpful Links

Sore throat (AAP)

Strep information (CDC)

Upper Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections (“Common Colds” or “URIs”)
Most childhood infections of the nose, sinuses, and throat are viral. Young children can get many colds each year, and colds typically last 2 weeks or more. Cough and cold medicines are often more toxic in children than beneficial and we do not typically recommend them — humidification, nasal saline, elevating the head of the bed, lots of fluids and rest will help with comfort. You should call the office if your child has high or persistent fever, pain, difficulty eating and drinking, trouble breathing, or the cough lasts more than 3 weeks.

Helpful Link

Treating a Cold (AAP)

Sinusitis vs. URI (AAP)

Why No Antibiotics? (CDC)

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are bacterial infections of the urethra, bladder, ureter and/or kidney. Fever may be the only sign in an infant. In older children typical symptoms include pain during urination, blood in the urine, urinary frequency or urgency or accidents, abdominal pain. Fever, back pain, nausea, vomiting, and lethargy can be signs of more severe infection. Infants with UTI may need to be evaluated for anatomical abnormalities predisposing them to UTI.

Helpful Links

Preventing UTIs (AAP)

Recurrent UTIs (AAP)


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday, and holidays:
Braintree only, by appointment


Call-hour daily from 7–9 a.m.
Nurses available to assist Monday–Friday from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. and 2–5 p.m.

340 Wood Road, Suite 301
Braintree, MA 02184
Fax: 781.356.6299

10 Hawthorne Place, Suite 110
Boston, MA 02114
Fax: 781.701.3298